Secrets of a Good Night’s Sleep
Feeling like a zombie? Not sleeping enough? A good night’s sleep is key not just to academic performance but also our physical and mental wellbeing.
Getting enough Zzzzzzzzzzs helps our brains process what we have learned and retain it in our memories. Sleep also helps clear the brain of toxins and other nasty things that build up and can affect our health. In short, sleep is very good for us. In fact on average we need at least 7-8 hours of it. Though that number varies for all of us. The important thing is you wake up feeling rested and get through your day.
1. Good Habits - Establish good habits. Try and go to bed and set your alarm for the same time every day. The occasional late night is ok ;)
2. Exercise - We all know daily exercise is good for us, but it can also help with our sleep. You don't have to run to Grantchester, a gentle walk around the backs can be a good start.
3. Watch the caffeine - Be careful of your caffeine intake later in the day. An espresso or whole block of chocolate might not be a good idea an hour before getting into the PJs.
4. Prepare for Take-off - Start winding down an hour before bed, avoid screens if you can. Read a book, or have a shower, write in a journal, listen to music and think about your day. When you’re feeling sleepy, give into it. If you lay there for more than 20 minutes, get up and do something until the tiredness returns.
5. Chill Vibes Only - Your bedroom should be cool, dark and quiet. Lie back and let the dreams take you away.